4,578 research outputs found

    On the stability of naked singularities

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    We study the linearised stability of the nakedly singular negative mass Schwarzschild solution against gravitational perturbations. There is a one parameter family of possible boundary conditions at the singularity. We give a precise criterion for stability depending on the boundary condition. We show that one particular boundary condition is physically preferred and show that the spacetime is stable with this boundary condition.Comment: 20 pages. 5 figure

    Microlensing in phase space II: Correlations analysis

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    Applications of the phase space approach to the calculation of the microlensing autocorrelation function are presented. The continuous propagation equation for a random star field with a Gaussian velocity distribution is solved in the leading non-trivial approximation using the perturbation technique. It is shown that microlensing modulations can be important in the interpretation of optical and shorter-wavelength light curves of pulsars, power spectra of active galactic nuclei and coherence estimates for quasi-periodic oscillations of dwarf novae and low-mass X-ray binaries. Extra scatter in the brightness of type Ia supernovae due to gravitational microlensing is shown to be of order up to 0.2 stellar magnitudes depending on the extent of the light curves.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 17 pages, 8 figures. The first part of this little series is available at http://www.arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0604302 . Replaced to add a link to the first par

    Microlensing in phase space I: Continuous propagation of variability moments

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    A method to calculate the statistical properties of microlensing light curves is developed. The approach follows works by Deguchi & Watson, Seitz & Schneider and Neindorf, attempting to clarify the ideas involved and techniques used in the calculations. The method is then modified to include scattering by multiple lensing planes along the line of sight and transition to a continuous limit of this treatment for average quantities is performed leading to a Fokker-Planck type equation. The equation is solved for a particular model of the random star field and microlensing effect on the flux temporal variability is extracted. Applications in astrophysically relevant situations are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 4 figures. The second part of this little series is available at http://www.arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/060419

    Thermal conductance of Andreev interferometers

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    We calculate the thermal conductance GTG^T of diffusive Andreev interferometers, which are hybrid loops with one superconducting arm and one normal-metal arm. The presence of the superconductor suppresses GTG^T; however, unlike a conventional superconductor, GT/GNTG^T/G^T_N does not vanish as the temperature T→0T\to0, but saturates at a finite value that depends on the resistance of the normal-superconducting interfaces, and their distance from the path of the temperature gradient. The reduction of GTG^T is determined primarily by the suppression of the density of states in the proximity-coupled normal metal along the path of the temperature gradient. GTG^T is also a strongly nonlinear function of the thermal current, as found in recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Colliding Plane Impulsive Gravitational Waves

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    When two non-interacting plane impulsive gravitational waves undergo a head-on collision, the vacuum interaction region between the waves after the collision contains backscattered gravitational radiation from both waves. The two systems of backscattered waves have each got a family of rays (null geodesics) associated with them. We demonstrate that if it is assumed that a parameter exists along each of these families of rays such that the modulus of the complex shear of each is equal then Einstein's vacuum field equations, with the appropriate boundary conditions, can be integrated systematically to reveal the well-known solutions in the interaction region. In so doing the mystery behind the origin of such solutions is removed. With the use of the field equations it is suggested that the assumption leading to their integration may be interpreted physically as implying that the energy densities of the two backscattered radiation fields are equal. With the use of different boundary conditions this approach can lead to new collision solutions.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX2

    Stellar Pulsations excited by a scattered mass

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    We compute the energy spectra of the gravitational signals emitted when a mass m is scattered by the gravitational field of a star of mass M >> m. We show that, unlike black holes in similar processes, the quasi-normal modes of the star are excited, and that the amount of energy emitted in these modes depends on how close the exciting mass can get to the star.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, RevTe

    When Celebrities Speak: A Nationwide Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination in Indonesia

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    Celebrity endorsements are often sought to influence public opinion. We ask whether celebrity endorsement per se has an effect beyond the fact that their statements are seen by many, and whether on net their statements actually lead people to change their beliefs. To do so, we conducted a nationwide Twitter experiment in Indonesia with 46 high-profile celebrities and organizations, with a total of 7.8 million followers, who agreed to let us randomly tweet or retweet content promoting immunization from their accounts. Our design exploits the structure of what information is passed on along a retweet chain on Twitter to parse reach versus endorsement effects. Endorsements matter: tweets that users can identify as being originated by a celebrity are far more likely to be liked or retweeted by users than similar tweets seen by the same users but without the celebrities' imprimatur. By contrast, explicitly citing sources in the tweets actually reduces diffusion. By randomizing which celebrities tweeted when, we find suggestive evidence that overall exposure to the campaign may influence beliefs about vaccination and knowledge of immunization-seeking behavior by one's network. Taken together, the findings suggest an important role for celebrity endorsement.Comment: 55 pages, 13 tables, 6 figure

    Collective relaxation of stellar systems revisited

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    The chaos in stellar systems is studied using the theory of dynamical systems and the Van Kampen stochastic differential equation approach. The exponential instability (chaos) of spherical N-body gravitating systems, already known previously, is confirmed. The characteristic timescale of that instability is estimated confirming the collective relaxation time obtained by means of the Maupertuis principle.Comment: A & A (in press), 3 pages, to match the published versio

    Light transport in cold atoms and thermal decoherence

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    By using the coherent backscattering interference effect, we investigate experimentally and theoretically how coherent transport of light inside a cold atomic vapour is affected by the residual motion of atomic scatterers. As the temperature of the atomic cloud increases, the interference contrast dramatically decreases emphazising the role of motion-induced decoherence for resonant scatterers even in the sub-Doppler regime of temperature. We derive analytical expressions for the corresponding coherence time.Comment: 4 pages - submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Convective envelopes in rotating OB stars

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    We study the effects of rotation on the outer convective zones of massive stars. We examine the effects of rotation on the thermal gradient and on the Solberg--Hoiland term by analytical developments and by numerical models. Writing the criterion for convection in rotating envelopes, we show that the effects of rotation on the thermal gradient are much larger and of opposite sign to the effect of the Solberg-Hoiland criterion. On the whole, rotation favors convection in stellar envelopes at the equator and to a smaller extent at the poles. In a rotating 20 Msun star at 94% of the critical angular velocity, there are two convective envelopes, with the bigger one having a thickness of 13.2% of the equatorial radius. In the non-rotating model, the corresponding convective zone has a thickness of only 4.6% of the radius. The occurrence of outer convection in massive stars has many consequences.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic
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